This post and giveaway are sponsored by FrontGate Christian Blogger Network. The opinions about how it will serve our home well are my own.
I'm going to be honest, homeschooling isn't easy. Making sure one child has meet all the required subjects is one thing, but now that G (who is 4 years old) has started to become interested in learning, I now look for books that an be used to cover more than one subject, thus cutting our school time from almost all day to about 3 to 4 hours total.
I am always on the lookout for quality books (no twaddle aloud since we are following the Charlotte Mason way of learning) that will hold my children's' attention (and mine) for more than 2 minutes can sometimes be difficult. We had previously been using pastor Louie Giglio Indescribable as part of our Bible, science and geography, along with some copywork thrown in, it was an invaluable addition to our not only our school work, but also our daily lives.
So when I heard that pastor Giglio had published another book, How Great Is Our God, which is a follow-up to Indescribable, I knew the search was over. How Great Is Our God has 100 new devotions and facts covering topics from weather, plants, planets and even the human body.